What is your passion?
After attending a regional career conference, I was reminded that we are always being encouraged to follow our passion. For many people it is difficult to identify what that is. The best way to know what it is is through your feelings. Following a recent group presentation I conducted, one participant told me that my enthusiasm about the topic was very evident. When I am engaged in career counseling I am in the zone. While there is effort and attention required, the paradox is that it feels completely effortless. I feel energized as new thoughts and possibilities run through my mind. Time and space feel suspended. Ask anyone who is following their passion to explain what it is like for them and my guess is that it wouldn't be much different from this description. They might not even consider what they are doing to be "work." I believe that our passion is the fulfillment of what we are placed on this earth to accomplish. How does what you do today express your passion?
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