When the student is ready

December 27, 2023

I recall an old adage that we are never given more than we can handle. When I think more about this adage, I remind myself that we are always given what we need at that moment to face the situation at hand. It isn't necessarily what we need to survive a situation for sometimes it is about facing imminent death. When we are open to the resources needed to walk through any time in our life, they will be provided. This is when the student is ready. I see this occurring most often in myself when it is time to shed a behavior or attitude that is no longer serving my highest good. It may be related to a specific fear. When I am ready to let go of it, I attract solutions in the forms of readings, conversations, a change in a situation, or a new understanding. My thoughts and feelings change accordingly and I experience a greater sense of peace. All I need do is place myself in a receptive mode to what I need to learn to move forward. What are you ready to learn that can make a positive difference in your life today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.