You made me

January 31, 2018

We often hear the statement, "You make me so angry" or "You made me do that." When we make such statements we are relinquishing control of our lives to another. We declare that we are powerless over the effect that others have on us. We are at their mercy. What we know is that at some point in our maturity each of us is responsible for what we do with what occurs in our lives. We would not likely expect an infant to be cognizant of these choices, but even children and adolescents are at a point where they can acknowledge what their choices are. Look around you at the individuals in your life. Which ones are the "you made me' people? What do their lives appear like to you? Are they happy? My guess is that they are caught in a cycle from which escape is difficult for them. What is your own state of mind when you declare that something or someone has made you act or be in a certain way? Yes, there are times when you hear, "You make me so happy," and even these statements place your well being in the hands of another. Today is an opportunity for you to be aware of the language you use. If you find yourself saying, "You (or that) made me..." you may want to look at what underlies that statement. Ask yourself what you can do to claim control of your life at that point. It can make a difference in how you show up in the world. When was the last time you said, "You made me?"

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.