Breaking the belief barrier
Our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us determine how we approach each day. When these beliefs are negative in nature, they limit our experiences. When words such as can't, shouldn't, and never enter our vocabulary, they result in us attracting events that reinforce their power. You might say to yourself, "I could never write a book. I don't have a talent for writing." Your attempts at writing will reflect that belief. Instead of making a negative statement, try this: "I am an accomplished writer." The result will be that your writing skills allow you to compose a heartfelt letter, a touching poem, or even a full length novel. You simply need to be open to how your new belief will manifest itself. This is how you will break the belief barrier. Set your intention and watch for evidence of it showing up in your life. Enjoy the process. The stronger your new belief system becomes, the more natural it will be for you to have it flow into your life. Be patient. Change will occur if you are open to it. Take time to list your current beliefs and ask yourself if they are serving your highest good. Choose one of them that is negative and transform it into a positive. Continue to remind yourself of how you are now showing up in the world. You will be amazed at how the world around you will change in response to your new belief. What old belief are you willing to surrender today to live a fuller life tomorrow?
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