Continuous improvement
Take a moment to consider what your life looks like today. Do you have a sense of fulfillment? Are your job, your finances, your health, and your relationships where you want them to be? What would your ideal life look like? What would it take to get there? When you have identified your ideal life, look for ways to achieve it. The means to do so will be made apparent to you in ways that you never imagined. I use the age of 29 in my life as the touchstone for where I never want to be again. It was the darkest time I can remember in my life. Yet it was what I needed to see where my life has come. In the last year I have seen accelerated changes based on my use of the principles of the Law of Attraction. What I used to see as setbacks are merely opportunities to reevaluate my direction and purpose in life. I can only believe that this will continue to occur and that I can share this hope with others. Sometimes it is good to look back in order to move forward to see what the improvements have been. What has your path of improvement looked like?
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