I'm so angry right now
There are times when we feel angry. In some cases it is related to not getting what we think we deserve, someone's behavior that we cannot condone such as an error in driving, or a betrayal. In each case it is important to feel the anger and make a conscious decision as to what needs to be done to move forward. When we hold onto our anger it becomes a resentment that only harms us and rarely the other person. It may be time to forgive or simply release the feeling so that we are achieving a vibrational level that attracts that which we desire. There may also be times when your anger comes from observing the actions of others that requires action on your part. Perhaps you see an elderly person being taken advantage of or an animal being abused. Your anger may serve as a means to mobilize you to step in and intervene to make a positive change. It comes from your feeling of connection to others on the planet and should be honored as such. In some cases you may be mobilized to join a cause for positive change. Be aware of your anger, its root cause, and what you need to do to act on it for your greatest good. When was the last time you felt angry and what did you do about it?
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