No worries
In a recent conversation with a long-time friend, I realized how my worries have diminished significantly. To what can I attribute the change? It appears to be a direct result of trusting that the Universe will provide for all my needs. In the more than half a century that I have been on this earthly plane, that has been the case. When I wondered where the money would come from to cover my expenses, something would always materialize. When I worried about staying healthy, I was introduced to a new regimen to address that. One habit I have maintained for quite a long time is journaling. I begin each evening by writing down all the good that has occurred that day followed by any concerns I have that I surrender to the Universe for help and guidance. Then I fall asleep knowing that everything will be taken care of. It certainly is better than the sleepless nights I used to have in which nothing was ever truly resolved. All I need do is tap into the loving power of the Universe and proceed with my day. What worries do you have that you would like the Universe to take care of for you?
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